Monday, February 2, 2009

Teaching Update

This morning, I went to a nearby high school to talk with an Assistant Principal and a teacher about a potential long-term sub job. I knew that the teacher would be going on maternity leave in March and would be gone for pretty much the rest of the year. I also knew that she teaches Freshman English (which is a course that I've taught for the last five years).

Our meeting went well! I learned that I'll be teaching 5 sections, but there will only be one prep. Not only that, but this teacher has already done most of the lesson planning for March through June 1st! In that time, the students will be doing Animal Farm, a research unit on Shakespeare, and Romeo and Juliet. What's especially nice is that I've taught each of those things multiple times, and the teacher doesn't mind at all if I change or supplement her plans with lessons and activities of my own.

I've agreed to take the job, so it'll start whenever she has the baby (she's due March 17th). The teacher will be back on June 1st, so I won't have to completely finish out the school year. From what I was told today, it sounds like this school is very similar to my old school in Colorado, and it sounds like the English department gets along very well, too, which makes me very happy. I was also told that one of the English teachers will be retiring at the end of the school year, so there will be a full time opening for the fall!

Isn't it amazing what happens when we just trust God? I've been thinking lately that I really need to trust God to show me what to do to bring in a little income, and suddenly, I have a steady job for at least two and a half months, and there's apparently a possible opportunity to teach full time next year at a really good school. :-)


J said...

Congrats on the new job!! Thats awesome!!!

Heather said...

That is so great Carrie. I will continue those prayers for a full-time job for you.

Bearess said...

Hooray!! I'm so happy for you!!

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

I'm so happy for you! Sounds like everything is falling into place!